Thursday, August 11, 2011

Alcatraz, Hawaii, and Crystal Insects

Toasters' newest member, Crystal, broke the ice with her first speech today while covering topics as far flung as Alcatraz, Hawaii, and (coincidentally enough) a tiny crystal roach.

Crystal also hinted at other topics she might be  covering in the future, including more information about her husband, who might or might not be from outer space. :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Have Hammer, Will Preside

Newly elected club President Uwe Beltz has put on his tool belt and is prepared to get to work for the coming year.

The club officers for 2011-2012 are:

  • President - Uwe Beltz

  • VPE - Kyle Word

  • VPM - Keith Waters

  • VPPR - Amy Zientek

  • Secretary/Treasurer - Eddie Payne

  • Sgt At Arms - Jan d'Orsay