Thursday, August 6, 2015

Welcome to Toasters, mon!

We had a big day at Lubbock Toasters Toastmasters club today. First Sungpo Yi, our newest member, delivered his Ice Breaker speech. From sushi chef to restaurant and hotel management student, Sung told of his restaurateur goals.

Our theme, "Welcome to Jamiaca, Mon!" celebrated Jamaica gaining it's independence from the United Kingdom in 1962. Toastmasters of the Day Linda Jones wore a hat with dreadlocks  and quoted Jamaican proverbs while Topics Master of the Day Kim Davis brought pictures of a trip she took to Jamaica and asked questions about them.

Sungpo Yi gets his membership
pin after delivery his Ice
Breaker presentation.
Linda Jones and her dreadlock hat.

Kim Davis, Bob Marley, and
pictures from her trip.